The Life Of A Student Nurse....

Monday, August 07, 2006

So much information, so little time

Wow! That is all I can say about orientation. Have you ever heard the saying "hit the ground running"? Well, that is so true in this case. We got our first reading assignments today. TODAY! School doesn't start until the 18th and we got them today!! I thought I was going to get a break before school starts, but I guess I was wrong. School started early this year.

Each of the instuctors were introduced and basically said the same thing, "welcome, and good luck, we're here if you need us....blah, blah, blah." There was also some student nurses that just completed first year and told us a little of what is expected at clinicals. That was useful information....they wore their uniforms (sorry, but they are ugly!), but we won't have to wear them forever. Anyway, we were told we could not wear any jewelry, no necklaces, no wedding rings (just the bands), have to wear your hair up, which is really not a big deal to me....just cut mine off a few months ago. Oh, we had a watch a film. You know the kind, it was made about 20-25 years ago. It almost resembled the "orientation films" that one would have to watch to work at a retail store......" Yea Wal-mart"......only it was "Yea...nursing!!" It was kind of cheesy, but I understand the purpose. The school just spent well over 3 million dollars on our new building, (see pic above) you would think they could have spent $50 more dollars on an updated film.

I better start reading.......


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