The Life Of A Student Nurse....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another day closer to clinicals

I will be starting my first clinical rotation in October. The closer it gets the higher my anxiety level becomes. Is it really as bad as I think it will be? Should I be as nervous as I am? Please, please someone let me know. Our instructor in class Monday, said "Fake it until you make it". He of course was referring to auscultating a patients circulatory system, but I'm sure that would work with a few other skills also. For instance, paplating the lymphatic system. Where are they?? How do you know when you are actually in the right place if they are not papable until they are swollen? I suppose that all is well UNTIL you find one that is swollen?!

Time to start the coffee pot and I'm off to engage in some light (hehe) reading.

Have a beautiful day, everyone!


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