The Life Of A Student Nurse....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Clinicals are over

The 16th of November was our last clinical day. I will definitely miss it! I really enjoyed interacting with my patients and learning TONS of interesting things. Sadly though, as mentioned in a previous post, one of my patients passed away. Thankfully, it didn't happen on a day that I was there. I'm not sure how I would have handled it.

Next semester Adult nursing and Maternal/Child nursing starts. I've heard many, many things about maternal/child. I'm still not sure if I'm looking forward to that or not. My sister has been a nurse for over 10 years now and when she first started school she told me that she wanted to work OB......well, that changed dramatically after she started her OB rotation. I'm sure most new nursing students want to work in OB or peds because it's all warm and fuzzy. But, I'm thinking about all the screaming, dilated, 100% effaced women! I don't know if I can handle all the screaming women! ARGH! I've never had children so I don't understand the pain. But, to defend myself. I can't stand the women that get all hysterical in movies either. It just really grates my nerves!

Oh, good news! I have a job interview today! I've been trying for quite a while to get a position in a hospital, which by the way are very hard to come by around here. The hazards of living in a very small city. Anyway, I'm nervous as can be expected but also very excited. I'll post the outcome of the interview as soon as I know.

I better run....gotta get all prettied up for my interview.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Clinical Rotations

Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted last. Good grief! Nursing school does keep one busy. Well, lets see.......I've been to clinicals 4 times so far. The first day, my patient was a very sweet older man. He was confused and completely immobile for several reasons, but kept wanting to get out of bed. Thankfully, we had a "buddy system" that day and I had some help. While I was giving my patient a bath, my "buddy" was doing the assessment. Oh, during the bath my patient kept saying...."oh, that feels so good.....that feels better". I now know since actually being in a hospital environment how busy nurses really are. I understand how they may not have time to do the "little" things that we as freshman nursing students do. It's also nice to know that our patients really appreciate those "little" things.

My next patient was a precious little old lady. I don't remember exactly the reason she was admitted into the hospital, but come to find out she had ovarian cancer (stage 3). Very, very sad. Anyway, PT sat her in a chair for a little while and being the newbie nursing students that we are, we were having a little trouble changing her gown while she was sitting up. Nevermind the fact that she had a central line, various IV's and a Foley. During the gown changing, our patient actually said "Your not doing it right". I'm sorry, but I started laughing. Mind you the only thing she had said all morning, was "Sweet Jesus, help me". After a while, we asked her if we were doing better and she said "a little". At clinicals on Thursday, we found out she passed away. I'll never forget her. Rest in Peace, Ms. H.

My third clinical day was at a nursing home. I have to be honest, I was not looking forward to it. I've been in a couple of nursing homes in my life and none of them smelled even remotely like a home for a human being. The smell of urine was almost unbearable! Anyway, I like the rest of the group was completely amazed to the quality of the nursing home. It was beautiful! It smelled nice, it was clean. The cafeteria even had "formal dining" every day for the residents. That means that they used beautiful china, crystal stemware and beautiful linens. The food even smelled good! That's saying alot!

My patient this last Thursday was middle aged and had been admitted for bariatric surgery. Well, sadly enough when the surgery had just began, the surgeon noticed a mass on her fundus. So, obviously the surgery was changed to a gastric biopsy. She was in good spirits and was in very little pain. She was a joy to talk with. Her labs are still out. I sure hope it's nothing serious.

Oh, I've noticed that care plans really aren't as bad as I thought they would be. I was scared to death about having to do one. The night before my first clinical, I spent about 6 or 7 hours on my path sheet, surgery sheet and careplan. They don't take me near as long to finish now. But, we only have to use one nursing diagnosis. My cousin is currently working on her BSN. I talked with her recently and she told me about a 30 page care plan she had to write. All I can say is I'm glad it's her and not me!