The Life Of A Student Nurse....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The day before...

Okay, I want to know whose bright idea it was to have the least fortunate students (which by that i mean, have to rely on grants or student loans to get through college) have to wait until the day before school starts to get their books, syllabi, etc. I'm telling you it was a disaster! First of all, the bookstore changed the entrance, so we could not go in the "back door". So, if something was forgotten after a purchase, we (or I in this instance) had to walk back outside to go into the "front door". Okay, how much did that suck??? Well, quite frankly....ALOT!! I had to complete that cycle 3 times!! It probably did not pose such a problem for those students that have a better memory than I, but I don't care about those people! (just kidding) It was such a huge hassle to have to walk around the gym/bookstore, but after all of that......I finally got everything! Oops, I'm lying...I remembered this on the way home. I forgot to pick up my uniform. That is a very important item even though we don't need it quite yet, it is still very important.

Thankfully, we made it out alive today! WHEW, but it was a close one!

The new building is finally complete (see last post for picture), so my husband, a friend and myself took a self -guided tour. It is so beautiful! As you enter the front double doors, you enter the foyer complete with marble floors and a brass insignia of our school patch (nursing) inlaid in the marble. If you look up you will see cast iron carriage lights lining the hallways, cherry or chestnut wood ( not sure which) paneled walls/crown molding. Beautiful I tell you!

If I can get my digital camera to stop acting up, I shall take some pictures and post them for you.

I better get going....I have sooo much reading to do before class in the morning. Oh, by the way - why does class have to start at 8am??? I am a night person! What's the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" ....we'll see.

Later folks,

Monday, August 07, 2006

So much information, so little time

Wow! That is all I can say about orientation. Have you ever heard the saying "hit the ground running"? Well, that is so true in this case. We got our first reading assignments today. TODAY! School doesn't start until the 18th and we got them today!! I thought I was going to get a break before school starts, but I guess I was wrong. School started early this year.

Each of the instuctors were introduced and basically said the same thing, "welcome, and good luck, we're here if you need us....blah, blah, blah." There was also some student nurses that just completed first year and told us a little of what is expected at clinicals. That was useful information....they wore their uniforms (sorry, but they are ugly!), but we won't have to wear them forever. Anyway, we were told we could not wear any jewelry, no necklaces, no wedding rings (just the bands), have to wear your hair up, which is really not a big deal to me....just cut mine off a few months ago. Oh, we had a watch a film. You know the kind, it was made about 20-25 years ago. It almost resembled the "orientation films" that one would have to watch to work at a retail store......" Yea Wal-mart"......only it was "Yea...nursing!!" It was kind of cheesy, but I understand the purpose. The school just spent well over 3 million dollars on our new building, (see pic above) you would think they could have spent $50 more dollars on an updated film.

I better start reading.......

Today is the day.....

Orientation is today, well actually in 2 and 1/2 hours. I tried to sleep (keyword here is tried), which means I did not actually sleep. (Sidebar: stop drinking anything with caffeine after 7pm, if you want to sleep.) I'm going to be running on pure caffeine. Actually, I already am. I'm not sure how I am capable of typing much less being able to function at this moment.

Time to get ready. Will post again after I get home.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nursing School Orientation

The above is scheduled for Monday the 7th. I am so excited about it! It just seems like it's taking forever for school to start, even though I just finished my summer semester. Yeah!! A&P II is finally over!!

Now, I just have to get my books and my little nursy, nurse uniform. Okay, it's ugly and white, but it's mine! All mine! No more wishing it was me walking around the hospital floor, it WILL be me! In all my ugly, white uniform glory. I have studied hard, lost sleep and have completely earned this opportunity.

Anyway, back to the books......because of my having to have student loans to pay for my education, I can't get my books until the day before classes start. That's 2 whole weeks away! I don't know if I can make it that long. I want to have them in my possession if only to reassure myself that this is not a dream. I want to read them and look at them. I'm sure all the excitement will wear off as soon as I discover how much sleep I will be losing in this whole process. I may become cranky, irritable, but I will be well on my way to being an RN. Woohoo!

I will update more after orientation. Obviously because I will know